BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Advanced Musculoskeletal Assessment UID:181 DESCRIPTION:Advanced Musculoskeletal Assessment\n\n15 credit Masters module (SE717), taught via Zoom.\n\n21st to 23rd April 2023\n\nPlease see the University of Essex’s website for more details & contact information.\n\n \n\nThis module is part of the BAHT accredited PG Cert in Advanced Musculoskeletal Assessment and Practice (Hand Therapy) and part of the PGDip and MSc pathway – Advanced Musculoskeletal Assessment and Practice – Hand Therapy.  \n\n DTSTART:20230420T230000Z DTEND:20230422T230000Z LOCATION:Online via Zoom END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR