BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Introduction to Hand Therapy - Hybrid Course UID:169 DESCRIPTION:Course dates: \n\nWelcome session – Wednesday 18th SeptemberLive session 1 & 2 – Wednesday 16th & Thursday 17th OctoberLive session 3 (face to face)  - Saturday 16th NovemberThis course will be a hybrid course with on line learning pre recorded teaching session, virtual case studies (live sessions 1 & 2) & then session 3 will be face to face.\n\nCourse venue/location:  Pulvertaft Hand Centre, Royal Derby Hospital \n\nCourse fees:     \n\nStandard (non-member BAHT); £460.00BAHT member (minimum 10% discount from standard); £410.00 DTSTART:20240917T230000Z DTEND:20241116T000000Z LOCATION:Pulvertaft Hand Centre Royal Derby Hospital Kings Treatment Centre (KTC) Level 2 Uttoxeter Road Derby DE22 3NE END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR