BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Upper Extremity Rehabilitation Master's Program UID:229 DESCRIPTION: \n\n\n\nUpper Extremity Rehabilitation Master’s Program \n\n1-year fully online Master’s degree from Western University Faculty of Health SciencesAsynchronous (at your own pace) with 2 hours of Synchronous sessions every Monday.September to August. For Physiotherapists and Occupational Therapists (or other physicians interested) This interprofessional educational experience helps you develop clinical skills, research methodology, depth of knowledge, and the professional behaviours to assess, evaluate, manage, and rehabilitate complex upper extremity conditions. World renown contributing experts.Combination of 3 core courses: Foundation topics- upper limbHand and Wrist Shoulder and elbow Learning Outcomes Upon successfully completing the program, students should have the ability to:Critically analyze and integrate the principles underpinning upper extremity rehabilitation to inform interventions across the lifespan.Evaluate clinical history and examination findings to inform individualized client-centred rehabilitation within a biopsychosocial and interdisciplinary framework. Implement and justify evidence-informed rehabilitation interventions to optimize clinical outcomes.Synthesize knowledge, skills and attributes to demonstrate advanced practice in upper extremity rehabilitation.Develop research skills enabling active participation and competency in clinical research.Communicate and apply ethical principles and practices in patient care and research activities.Develop communication strategies that foster therapeutic alliance and shared decision-making with the client.Develop iterative self-reflection skills and continued life-long learning. Admission Requirements:A minimum bachelor's degree from a recognized university and at least a (B) standing (or equivalent) over the final two years of the program.Advanced computer skillsTwo referencesAcademic (if attended university within the last five years) and professional.Be licensed/regulated health/care professional from a related discipline, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Hand Therapy e.g.• English Language Proficiency (if Applicant’s first language is not English)\n\nA TOEFL Score of minimum 105 (internet based)An IELTS Academic Score of minimum 8 overall \n\n \n\nView Full Program Content Information\n\nFor video FAQs:\n\n \n\nTuition Fees: 37.400 CAD \n\n DTSTART:20240902T230000Z DTEND:20240902T230000Z LOCATION:Ontario, Canada END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR