BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Introduction to Static Splinting of the Wrist and Hand UID:230 DESCRIPTION: \n\nTrainer: \n\nElla Donnison, Hand Occupational Therapist, BSc Occupational Therapy / MSc Hand Therapy / Accredited Hand Therapist (BAHT) andKatie Horton, CSP, PhysiotherapistOverview:\n\nThe one-day course will comprise of formal teaching & the fabrication of an array of splints including finger, thumb & hand & is suitable for Physiotherapists & Occupational Therapists.\n\nThe course is NOT condition specific but will give new & less experienced splinters experience of a range of thermoplastic materials & tips & tricks\n\n \n\nDownload Course Flyer \n\nVisit our website to book your place \n\nEmail: \n\nTel: 01332 254679\n\n DTSTART:20240127T091500Z DTEND:20240127T154500Z LOCATION:The Johnson Building, NCORE Training Room 4, Locomotive Way, DERBY, DE24 8JE END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR