BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Hand Therapy in Practice UID:242 DESCRIPTION:Hand Therapy in Practice – Level II BAHT & Level 7 MSc 20 credit, University of Derby Course (online)Start Date: Induction event 15/4/2024 09:00 1 hour\nCourse Starts 22/04/24, ends 05/07/2024\nLive Online Taught Week 3-7/06/2024\nVivas 10/06/24\n \n\nWritten Assessment Submission 10/07/24\nThis course covers a range of HT topics delving into the most current evidence\nbase. You will work closely with other Hand Therapists from across the globe,\ndeveloping a close cohort, attending live sessions, and completing asynchronous\nwork online. During the taught week, expert tutors in the field of hand therapy will\ncover topics such as Dr Donna Kennedy CRPS and Nicole Glassey Discussing Loss\nof Joint Motion & Soft Tissue. We will also have additional live sessions e.g., CBT\nand the psychology of hand trauma, throughout the course.\n \n\nOn completion of this course, you should be able to:\n\nDevelop knowledge and practical skills in various aspects of practical hand therapy.Demonstrate clinical reasoning for a variety of treatment techniques/interventions used in the specialist clinical field of hand therapy.Critically evaluate the effectiveness of a practical hand therapy intervention.Please contact Cate Allen or Ian Shelton - with any course queries.\n\nPlease apply via the University link: Hand Therapy in Practice - Health,\nPsychology and Social Care - University of Derby\n\n \n\n DTSTART:20240606T230000Z DTEND:20240606T230000Z END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR