BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Level 1, Introduction to Hand Therapy, Online Course UID:247 DESCRIPTION: \n\nCourse dates: \n\nWelcome session – Wednesday 17th SeptemberLive session 1 & 2 – Wednesday 15th & Thursday 16th OctoberLive session 3 (virtual)  - Saturday 8th November This course will be a a fully virtual course with on line learning pre-recorded teaching session, virtual case studies (live sessions 1 & 2) & then live session 3 which will be virtual .\n\nCourse fees:     \n\nStandard (non-member BAHT); £460.00BAHT member (minimum 10% discount from standard); £410.00 \n\nVisit our courses website for more information\n\n \n\nOrganised by: FAO Shelley Dowey of Pulvertaft Hand Unit, Derby\nPhone Number: 01332 786964\nEmail:\n\n DTSTART:20250916T230000Z DTEND:20251108T000000Z END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR