BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY: Kinesiology Taping in Adult Neurology UID:269 DESCRIPTION: \n\nWith Erica Malcolm & Ella Donnison Kinesiology Taping in Adult Neurology 2-Day Course Duration: 2 days CPD Hours: 14.5 Date: 5th & 6th March 2025 Format: Face to Face Fee: £360Erica Malcolm Consultant Physiotherapist Neurology & Ella Donnison Hand Occupational TherapistDay 1 : Kinesiology Taping for Beginners - When, Where, Why, Who?This course, for qualified physiotherapists and occupational therapists, will comprise of formal teaching and practical sessions. The course will explore basic kinesiology taping techniques and tips along with the concepts supporting their use.\n\nLearning Outcomes By the end of the course the student will:\n\nKnow the concepts and claims made for the use of kinesiology tapeKnow indications and contraindications for the use of kinesiology tapeKnow how kinesiology tape differs to other tapesHave practical experience in the application of kinesiology tape Visit our Website to Book! \n\n \n\nDay 2: The use of Kinesiology Tape with Adults with Neurological DamageThis course is designed for physiotherapists and occupational therapists working in neurology who have already attended a basic kinesiology taping course. It will explore possible kinesiology taping techniques for use with the adult neurological patient. It will build on the students clinical reasoning skills and response-based practice to decide how, when, where and with which patients to try taping. The course will comprise of formal teaching/lecturers and interactive sessions including case studies. Learning Outcomes\n\nBy the end of the course the student will:\n\nUnderstand the concept of using kinesiology tape with adults with neurological damageHave been demonstrated techniques believed to facilitate / inhibit muscle activity in neurologyHave been demonstrated and practiced techniques for upper limb taping for neurological patientsHave been demonstrated and practiced techniques for lower limb taping for neurological patientsBe able to use clinical reasoning for the use (or not!) of kinesiology tape specific to individuals with neurological damage or disease….when, where, how, why!Attendance is required on both days. Delegates will need to purchase their own rolls of Kinesiology tape and bring along to the course.\n\nDownload course flyer\n\ DTSTART:20250305T000000Z DTEND:20250305T000000Z END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR