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Posters Presentations 2024


Poster Presentations for the BAHT 2023 Conference are displayed below. 

Please click on the Link to view each Poster:

1.  Knuckling Down on Urgent Hand Therapy Wait times

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2.  Closed Manipulation Under Anaesthetic (MUA) – A Paediatric Hand Service Evaluation

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3.  What are the effects on hand function for individuals having endocrine therapy for their cancer: A Scoping Review

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4.  Published Evidence vs Clinician Opinion. Developing competencies for Advanced Clinical Practice (ACP) Hand Therapists providing first line management of closed hand fractures 

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 5.  A rapid review of the current literature exploring the non-surgical management of paediatric trigger thumb to inform a local evidence-based treatment guideline

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6.  Is Hand therapy cover required in plastic hand surgery clinics? A service evaluation in a Major Trauma Centre.  

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7.  Service evaluation of an upper limb (UL) exercise group for patients following hand and wrist injury or acquired upper limb conditions. 

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8.  Clinical audit of compliance with local and BAHT guidelines for extensor tendon repairs in zone V and VI

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9.  Evaluation of functional outcomes following pollicisation surgery

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10.  The use of telephone and video consultations in upper limb musculoskeletal rehabilitation: A scoping review

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11.  Exploring factors for prescription and validation of actuated upper limb devices: a cross-sectional survey of allied health professionals

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12.  Positive Impact of Pre-Operative appointments in Hand Therapy for Plastics Trauma Patients

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13.  The management of non-traumatic wrist disorders: A national survey of practice by UK clinicians in primary and secondary care

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14.  Non-traumatic wrist disorders: An audit of UK-based clinical practice guidelines and care pathways.

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15.  Introduction of a structured new starter induction programme within an acute out-patient hand therapy department.

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16.  Rehabilitation of Stage-one Scapholunate instability (ReSOS): An online survey of UK practice.

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17.  Optimising Outcomes with Day Zero Hand Therapy 

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18.  How effective is exercise based rehabilitation for non-operative management of triangular fibrocartilage complex (TFCC) injuries: a systematic review.

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