FULL MEMBERSHIP: £85 per year
Full membership of BAHT is open to all HCPC registered physiotherapists and occupational therapists based in the United Kingdom.
Benefits of Membership are:
- An annual subscription to 'Hand Therapy', (online only from 2025) a peer reviewed scientific journal
- Discounts on BAHT accredited courses.
- BAHT annual conference, joining every 3 years with the British Society for Surgeons of the Hand.
- Bursaries to help pay for conference and courses.
- Research Grants
- Access to a network of other hand therapists for advice, support and debate through a website forum.
- The opportunity to attend educational meetings around the UK at BAHT-affiliated regional groups.
- Regular news and updates from the hand therapy world through our E-Bulletin and our close links to the European and International Hand Therapy Federations.
- Affiliations with EFSHT and IFSHT through BAHT's membership status.
- For the membership year 2025-2026 you will have free access to HandyEvidence. HandyEvidence is a website providing a database of synopses on upper limb research evidence.
Associate membership is available for surgeons, students, therapy technicians and assistants.
Benefits of Membership are:
- An annual electronic subscription to 'Hand Therapy', a peer reviewed scientific journal.
- Discounts on BAHT accredited courses.
- BAHT annual conference, joining every 3 years with the British Society for Surgeons of the Hand.
- Access to a network of other hand therapists for advice, support and debate through a website forum.
- The opportunity to attend educational meetings around the UK at BAHT-affiliated regional groups.
- Regular news and updates from the hand therapy world through our E-Bulletin and our close links to the European and International Hand Therapy Federations.
- Affiliations with EFSHT and IFSHT through BAHT's membership status.
- For the membership year 2025-2026 you will have free access to HandyEvidence. HandyEvidence is a website providing a database of synopses on upper limb research evidence.
Benefits of Membership for Students
- Quarterly peer reviewed ejournal
- Access to the ‘members only’ sections of the BAHT website which contains professional resources
- Monthly Ebulletins providing information on activity within the hand therapy community including; courses/conferences, research activity, job opportunities etc.
- Access to BAHT Forum providing opportunity to ask hand therapy related questions
- Regional Group activities, where available, providing opportunity to network and access free education opportunities
- Can apply for courses at discounted rate
- For the membership year 2025-2026 you will have free access to HandyEvidence. HandyEvidence is a website providing a database of synopses on upper limb research evidence.
Cost: £30 for full time and undergraduate or pre-registration Masters students.
Conditions: Application must be made using a university email. Applicants will be asked to provide evidence of their status as a current full time undergraduate or pre-registration full time Masters student.
Please note that student membership will not include the following:
- Voting rights
- Bursary and Research funding applications
- Support with Accredited Hand Therapist applications and process
- Affiliation to the European and International Hand Therapy Federations EFSHT and IFSHT respectively
Part-time students and those undertaking apprenticeships can join as an Associate Member which enjoys the same benefits as full-time students and with the same conditions. Cost £60.
Complete Application Form