BAHT Conference 2024 ‘Celebrating 40 years of BAHT’
37th Annual Conference,
4th and 5th October 2024, The Crowne Plaza Hotel, Sheffield
We are delighted to invite you to join us in Sheffield later this year for the British Association of Hand Therapists’ conference to be held on 4th and 5th October 2024 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Sheffield.
The conference will be launching its new event app for 2024 which will provide exhibitors withwith a new platform and more opportunities to promote their products and services.
Attendance: In 2023 over 150 therapists from the UK and Europe attended our conference. Therapists have always fed back that they enjoyed the opportunity to meet exhibitors and view a variety of products that are on the market. We hope therefore, that we can provide you with an excellent platform on which to discuss, display and promote your products and services to them. This year we have amended the conference schedule to allow more time for this, with gold, silver, and bronze packages available.
All attendees will be asked to consent to the following information being provided to exhibitors: contact email address, location of work, profession. As you are aware, with the introduction of GDPR, this information can only be provided if the attendees consent.
Exhibition opportunities in 2024 are limited to 8 in total and we will operate a first come, first served system. Packages are detailed below.
Gold Exhibition Package - Main Conference Sponsor
As main conference sponsor you will have the opportunity for exclusive advertising opportunities to delegates. The package includes:
Gold Exhibition Package - Main Conference Sponsor £3,500
As main conference sponsor you will have the opportunity for exclusive advertising opportunities to delegates. The package includes:
- 1 exhibition stand at the Sheffield conference venue (maximum of 3 stand representatives)
- Lunch and refreshments provided for 3 stand representatives.
- Opportunity to host a Product Demonstration within the main Conference Theatre during Friday lunchtime (slot time TBC).
- 3 places at the conference drink reception and dinner on Friday evening at the Domo Sardinian restaurant and bar, situated in the heart of Sheffield's Kelham Island district.
- Your logo printed on fair trade eco cotton conference bags that will be given to each delegate and exhibitor. The logo will be on the alternate side of the bag to the BAHT conference logo
- Opportunity to provide an insert that can be placed in all delegate bags
- Your company’s contact details, logo, website and description displayed in the conference app, the main platform for the event.
- Exposure to delegates from when ticket sales close three weeks ahead of and in the lead- up to the event
- Announcement highlighting your organisation appointed as the main conference sponsor through app and social media.
- The opportunity to attend morning delegate sessions during the conference (maximum of 3 stand representatives)
- Opportunity to network with delegates through the conference app
- Logo to be displayed on main conference screen and event marketing material
- Opportunities for pull up banners to be placed in key areas of the event venue
- Your company logo and information listed as main conference sponsor on the conference page of BAHT website. Your details will be uploaded once we have received confirmation of your booking and will remain present throughout the duration of the conference and for 2 months after.
Silver Exhibition Package - £1,900
The exhibition fee includes:
- 1 exhibition stand at the Sheffield conference venue (maximum of 3 stand representatives)
- Your company’s contact details, logo, website and description displayed in the conference app, the main platform for the event.
- Company details, logo, description on the conference page on our website. Your company details will be uploaded once we have received confirmation of your booking and will remain present throughout the duration of the conference and for 2 months after.
- Lunch and refreshments for two company representatives per day. Additional delegate packages can be purchased at a rate of £60 per person per day.
- Opportunity to provide an insert that will be placed in all delegate bags
- Opportunity to attend morning delegate sessions during the conference (maximum of 3 stand representatives)
- Two places to conference dinner and drinks reception on Friday evening at the Domo Sardinian restaurant and bar, situated in the heart of Sheffield's Kelham Island District
- Additional places for the dinner can be purchased at a rate of £50 per person
Please note no exhibition space will be confirmed until payment is made in full. An information pack with time of arrival and set-up will be sent 2-3 weeks prior to conference. Exhibition spaces are limited and will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.
Bronze Exhibition Package - £1,600
The exhibition fee includes:
1 exhibition stand at the Sheffield conference venue (maximum of 3 stand representatives)
- Your company’s contact details, logo, website and description displayed in the conference app, the main platform for the event.
- Company details, logo, description on the conference page on our website. Your company details will be uploaded once we have received confirmation of your booking and will remain present throughout the duration of the conference and for 2 months after.
- Lunch and refreshments for two company representatives per day. Additional delegate packages can be purchased at a rate of £60 per person per day.
- Opportunity to provide an insert that will be placed in all delegate bags
- Two places to conference dinner and drinks reception on Friday evening at the Domo Sardinian restaurant and bar, situated in the heart of Sheffield's Kelham Island District
- Additional places for the dinner can be purchased at a rate of £50 per person
Please note no exhibition space will be confirmed until payment is made in full. An information pack with time of arrival and set-up will be sent 2-3 weeks prior to conference. Exhibition spaces are limited and will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.
Workshop Sponsorship £750
The workshops are carefully selected and an integral section of the conference programme by BAHT. Often hands-on, the workshops provide a practical balance to the classroom-based conference mornings and are very popular with delegates. Sponsoring a workshop will provide your organisation with the opportunity to showcase your contact details, logo and organisation bio in our conference app, the main platform for delegates, and these details included on the conference page on our website. Your organisation can also have x2 pull-up banners placed within the workshop classroom (to be provided by yourselves). Workshops are pre planned and delivered by BAHT, workshop titles to be confirmed.
Additional Sponsorship Opportunities
Delegate bag inserts - £250
Organisations are invited to place an insert into the delegate bags, which will be distributed to all event attendees. Design and printing are not included in the fee.
Hand Therapist of the Year - £150
Introduced in 2023, the Hand Therapist of the Year award acknowledges outstanding achievements in hand therapy.
Best Paper Prize Sponsor - £150
Each year, therapists are invited to submit abstracts to present in free paper sections of the conference. The presentations are marked by a panel and the best paper will be awarded a prize. Your logo will feature in the conference app and website.
Sponsorship of Best Poster Prize and virtual poster exhibition - £150
Each year, therapists are invited to submit abstracts to present in the form of a poster presentation at the conference. The posters are marked by a panel and the best poster will be awarded a prize and announced on the conference app. Your logo will feature in the conference app for the exhibition.
Please do contact Leanne Topcuoglu, Linda Cornish or Susan Dargie if you require further information or complete the electronic booking form to register your interest.
Please click on this link to access our electronic booking form
We look forward to your participation.