For any successful Educational Bursary application, there is a requirement to submit a report on completion of the course or event.
The report must meet the following criteria:
A short introductory paragraph (100 words max) must also to be submitted about whom you are, why you applied for a bursary for this particular event and give details of your experience of the event / course.
If a bursary assists in the production of a journal article that will be submitted for publication, there is an expectation that this article will, at least in part, be submitted to the BAHT ‘Hand Therapy’ journal.
NB: The report should not contain any comments that are potentially damaging or libelous
Once complete upload your bursary report to the website
Once the content of the report has been accepted by the Director of Bursaries, you will receive an expenses claim form by email. Please complete this and email with a copy of your course payment receipt to the Treasurer and the Director of Bursaries at and
Any queries to: