
University of Derby
The University of Derby is a public university in the city of Derby. It traces its history back to the establishment of the Derby Diocesan Institution for the Training of Schoolmistresses in 1851. It gained university status in 1992. The university provides over 300 study programmes at undergraduate level. Undergraduate programmes as well as short courses, foundation degrees and postgraduate degrees cover most academic disciplines and sub-disciplines.
The University of Derby has been running the Hand Therapy MSc course for many years.
Therapists can undertake standalone CPD MSc modules related to hand therapy or can complete specific modules enabling them to gain 12 points towards the British Association of Hand Therapists Accreditation (AHT) process or can complete course modules to gain either a PG certificate hand therapy, PG Diploma Hand Therapy or and MSc in Hand Therapy.
Below provides a summary of the modules and awards that can be achieved via the University of Derby:
- British Association of Hand Therapist Accredited Hand Therapy (AHT) Route:
The University of Derby offers a full MSc Hand Therapy programme within which completion of specific modules allows therapists to gain all 12 of their BAHT points towards accreditation (AHT). Successful delegates are eligible to directly apply to become an Accredited Hand Therapist (AHT), providing they meet the other requirements for this award.
The University of Derby Hand Therapy MSc Modules that are required to achieve BAHT points for AHT are:
- Assessment of the hand and upper limb
- Treatment modalities
- Hand conditions and interventions
- Hand therapy in practice
- PG Certificate Hand Therapy
To achieve a PG Certificate Hand Therapy the below MSc modules are required:
- Developing as an Evidenced Based Practitioner (20 credits)
- Assessment of the Hand & Upper Limb (20 credits)
- Treatment Modalities (20 credits)
- PG Diploma Hand Therapy
To achieve a PG Diploma Hand Therapy students are required to complete the PG certificate Hand Therapy plus MSc modules below:
- Hand Therapy Optional Module - Hand Therapy in Practice, Hand Conditions or Hand Injuries (20 credits)
- Optional Module - Hand Therapy in Practice, Hand Conditions or Hand Injuries, or Recognition of Prior Learning e.g. Injection Therapy (credits awarded within last 5 years) (20 credits)
- Research Methods (20 credits)
- MSc Hand Therapy
To achieve an MSc Hand Therapy students are required to complete the PG certificate and Diploma modules plus an Independent Scholarship (60 credits)
Below summaries optional modules for List A and List B for the PG Diploma component:
List A - Hand Therapy Specific Optional Modules
- Hand Injuries: mechanisms and interventions (20 credits)
- Hand Conditions: mechanisms and interventions (20 credits)
- Hand Therapy in Practice (20 credits)
List B - General Optional Modules
- Negotiated Module 1 (20 credits
- Hand Injuries: mechanisms and interventions (20 credits)
- Hand Conditions: mechanisms and interventions (20 credits)
- Hand Therapy in Practice (20 credits)
Outline of Modules
The below gives greater detail on the content of the University of Derby MSc modules
Developing as an Evidenced Based Practitioner (7OT502) (Core Module PG Certificate Level)
As an introduction to Master’s study, this module will guide development of the foundational skills required to work at this academic level. Content will include the importance of evidence based practice, guidance on how to conduct a literature search to identify appropriate evidence and foundational knowledge of research methodology to enable students to critically appraise evidence within their area of practice. The module will also facilitate the development of skills required to engage with Master’s level study such as critical reading, writing and thinking.
On completion of this module you will be able to:
- critically appraise current literature
- critically debate the contribution of this evidence to a field of enquiry
- develop academic skills required to study further modules at Master’s level
Assessment of the Hand and Upper Limb (7OT521) (Core Module PG Certificate Level)
A commonly expressed concern amongst hand therapists is the limited knowledge of and use of standardised hand assessments, in order to reliably and validly evaluate practice. This module will assist in meeting the requirements of the NHS to evaluate effectiveness and efficiency of interventions and expand hand therapy knowledge base. The aim of this module is to enable students to become familiar with and investigate standardised and non-standardised hand and upper limb function assessments as well as techniques for assessing hand injuries and conditions. This will further equip students to make informed decisions regarding assessment and treatment evaluation in their hand therapy practice.
On completion of the module, students will be able to:
- Investigate and evaluate standardised and non-standardised hand assessment methods.
- Evaluate the benefits and limitations of these methods of hand and upper limb assessment.
- Critically reflect on their own current professional practice and the use of these assessment tools
Treatment Modalities (7OT521) (Core Module PG Certificate Level)
Understanding the theoretical basis of why and how upper limb treatment modalities are effective is central to the appropriate development of treatment programmes in hand therapy. This is necessary for both informed clinical decision making and assessing the clinical effectiveness of treatment. This module will include modalities used by occupational therapists and physiotherapists, providing a unique opportunity for cross professional development. This will foster greater understanding of fellow professionals’ roles in the multidisciplinary hand therapy team and enhance team homogeneity. Therapeutic intervention of the hand and upper limb is based on current understanding of tissue composition and reaction. Subsequent therapy has to respond to that and the ongoing healing process. The psychological status of the person is also integral to the functional use of the upper limb, progress of recovery and attitude to therapeutic intervention. Multidisciplinary teams in hand rehabilitation must have an integrated approach to address the psychological and functional needs of the client to achieve a positive outcome for all concerned. Treatment modalities must be selected within resource and service constraints and the skills of the hand rehabilitation team available and therefore enhance more effective modality selection and optimisation of time and resources.
On completion of the module, students will be able to:
- Investigate and critically evaluate a variety of treatment modalities used in hand therapy.
- Justify the choice of treatment modalities in individual patients and evaluate how the application of a modality may change in response to biopsychosocial factors.
- Critically evaluate the benefits and limitations of the treatment modalities used in hand therapy.
- Critically reflect on their own current professional practice
Research Methods (7OT513) (core module PG Diploma level)
This module focuses on the research process to both enable students to understand and critically appraise published research and to assist those intending to conduct research in the workplace or relevant to their practice to have a strong foundational understanding of research methods, analysis and report writing in order to do so.
The module covers research design including quantitative and qualitative methods and data analysis, ethical considerations, practical factors which may impact on the conduct of research and the importance of appropriate dissemination of research findings. On completion of this module you will be able to:
- Critically analyse research literature and through this identify a topic which could be researched.
- Critically evaluate the relevance of different research designs, methods and data analysis methods for this chosen topic.
- Critically consider the impact of ethical and practical factors affecting the conduct of research in the practice situation on this chosen topic.
Hand Conditions: Mechanisms and Interventions (7OT526) (Optional module PG Diploma Level (List A)
This module is designed to enable the expansion of evidence-based practice in hand therapy, in accordance with the current NHS initiatives. It will examine existing evidence for effectiveness of hand therapy protocols and the reasons for a variety of different approaches to the treatment of hand conditions. An understanding of the application of anatomy, physiology and biomechanics of the upper limb is required within hand therapy practice. Hand therapy protocols must be based on in depth understanding of medical and surgical interventions, in order to establish the authenticity of current practice and direct future research. The aim of this module is to enable the therapist to understand and critically review the theoretical underpinnings of treatment protocols and analyse evidence for the effectiveness of existing practice, identify the need for research and implement evidence based practice in hand therapy.
On completion of the module, students will be able to:
- Critically evaluate current variations in hand therapy protocols for hand conditions.
- Demonstrate a critical understanding of the application of anatomy, physiology and biomechanics of the upper limb
- Critically analyse how medical or surgical interventions and psychological status impact on hand therapy protocols and the progress of the client during rehabilitation.
- Identify areas of limited evidence based practice and formulate protocols for current therapy based on theory and research.
Hand Injuries: Mechanisms and Interventions (7OT527) (Optional module PG Diploma Level (List A)
This module is designed to enable the expansion of evidence based practice in hand therapy, in accordance with the current NHS initiatives. It will examine existing evidence for effectiveness of hand therapy protocols and the reasons for a variety of different approaches to the treatment of hand injuries.
An understanding of the application of anatomy, physiology and biomechanics of the upper limb is required within hand therapy practice. Hand therapy protocols must be based on in depth understanding of medical and surgical interventions, in order to establish the authenticity of current practice and direct future research.
The aim of this module is to enable the therapist to understand and critically review the theoretical underpinnings of treatment protocols and analyse evidence for the effectiveness of existing practice, identify the need for research and implement evidence based practice in hand therapy.
On completion of the module, students will be able to:
- Critically evaluate current variations in hand therapy protocols for hand injuries.
- Demonstrate a critical understanding of the application of anatomy, physiology and biomechanics of the upper limb
- Critically analyse how medical or surgical interventions and psychological status impact on hand therapy protocols and the progress of the client during rehabilitation.
- Identify areas of limited evidence based practice and formulate protocols for current therapy based on theory and research.
Hand Therapy in Practice (7OT523) (Optional module PG Diploma Level (List A)
In collaboration with the British Association of Hand Therapists (BAHT), the need has been identified for a practically based module within the MSc Hand Therapy. Demonstration of skills is essential within the specialist field of hand therapy. Whilst acknowledging theoretical knowledge is important, demonstration of experience and competence to practice is also essential. The aim of this module is to promote professional competence within hand therapy, whilst considering the evidence base for specific aspects of practical hand therapy such as technique and modality selection. The module involves attendance at a five-day live online or face to face summer school.
On completion of the module, students will be able to:
- Develop knowledge and practical skills in various aspects of practical hand therapy.
- Demonstrate clinical reasoning for a variety of treatment techniques / interventions used in the specialist clinical field of hand therapy.
- Critically evaluate the effectiveness of a practical hand therapy intervention.
Negotiated Module (7OT506) (Optional module PG Diploma Level (List B)
The emphasis of this module is on work place learning and takes the form of a project related to your own workplace. Students will be encouraged to think widely in the selection of their topic area relevant to their Occupational Therapy practice.
Through analysis and evaluation, the investigation will promote within you an independence of outlook, reliance on your own learning and presentation techniques, and will result in a positive contribution to the workplace.
Through negotiation with a dedicated module tutor, you will be guided to identify your own learning needs and areas of development relating to your practice to produce a learning contract identifying how learning will be achieved.
On completion of this module you will be able to:
- Critically evaluate working practices within an individual work place setting, and identify an area for theoretical study
- Investigate and critically explore a variety of appropriate sources of information
- Critically reflect on material discovered and critically analyse its relevance to present and future practice.
Independent Scholarship (7OT999) (Core MSc level)
This module will give students the opportunity to demonstrate a master‘s level of research competence through personal experience of completing an Independent Scholarship.
Due to the independent nature of this module, topic and type of study will be specific to each individual, enabling identification of a chosen area relevant to their profession and area of practice. With the guidance of an advisory team, learning will be individualised to the topic students wish to investigate and the way in which they chose to carry out this work.
The module will consolidate knowledge of the research process and methodology, and enable the student to transfer these skills to investigate, critically evaluate and reflect on aspects of practice within their chosen speciality. In additional, students will also develop a critical awareness of the relevant practical and ethical issues when carrying out the chosen type of investigation and reporting and presentation of all stages of this process.
Through the process of completing this module, students will:
- Demonstrate a master‘s level of research competence through personal experience of completing an Independent Scholarship
- Develop skills to clearly present the process undertaken documenting outcomes and recommendations
- Develop a critical awareness of the practical and ethical issues relevant to the independent scholarship undertaken