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Health Professionals

The BAHT Education Process (Route to AHT)

One of BAHT's aims is to facilitate learning and development for Physiotherapists and Occupational Therapists treating hand and upper limb conditions. The Education Sub-Committee (ESC) was formed to promote and coordinate a structured process of post graduate hand therapy education for therapists specialising in this field.

This process allows therapists to gain points at Level I (Introductory), Level II (Intermediate) and Level III (Advanced). Once sufficient points have been achieved therapists with appropriate overall experience can then apply to the ESC be be recognised as a BAHT 'Accredited Hand Therapist' (AHT).

Whether you are working towards becoming an AHT, or merely looking to enhance your continuing professional development these pages should help you find further information to assist. If you have any other queries feel free to contact the ESC via the BAHT secretary on and we will be happy to guide you further.

Find out more about our BAHT Education & Courses by visiting the following pages:

The BAHT Education Process (Route to AHT)

Becoming an Accredited Hand Therapist

Running a BAHT-Validated Course

Course Calendar


The BAHT Education Sub-Committee has developed a system of accreditation of hand therapists’ learning and experience, leading to the award of ‘Accredited Hand Therapist’ (AHT).

Hand Therapists may develop their knowledge and skills via BAHT validated courses at different levels, which are run by hand therapy teams, independent hand therapy education companies and universities. BAHT validated courses qualify for points towards becoming an accredited hand therapist.

More experienced therapists may choose to submit evidence of prior learning (APL) to gain BAHT points, or gain educator points through lecturing on validated courses.

There are many other learning opportunities, conferences and courses that are valuable learning opportunities but don’t form part of the BAHT education process. Please see courses and workshops for further information.

BAHT Postgraduate Education


One point is required at Level I. This can be achieved by completing a three day 'Introduction to Hand Therapy Course' with a 30 minute on-line examination, or via experiential 'Accreditation of Prior Learning' (APL) after working in hand therapy for a period of two years (evidenced in your clinical hours log when applying to be recognised as an Accredited Hand Therapist).

Download the full Level I Course Guidelines and Application for more information for delegates looking to attend a level I course or if you wish to run a BAHT Level I Course.

Note: Course organisers please note that the BAHT education committee continue to strive to support therapists with BAHT courses that meet practice requirements, so guidelines are reviewed and updated as needed. The BAHT education committee will endeavour to keep course providers up to date with changes and updated guidelines are available on the BAHT website (see link above to Level I Course Guidelines). Please liaise closely with the education committee with regards to your plans for future courses, to discuss available dates and commence programme planning.

For enquiries regarding BAHT Level I please email:



Six BAHT points are required at Level II. There are a variety of ways that therapists can demonstrate their level of learning and practise in order to achieve Level II points, as detailed below

1. BAHT Level 2 Courses

Completion of a three-day course on a specific aspect of hand therapy including an examination or assessment during the course as well as successful submission of a post-course assignment will give you two BAHT Level II points

For BAHT level II courses available please see the “all courses & events” section within this website.

For enquiries regarding BAHT Level II please email:


2. MSc Accredited Modules

Points can also be gained by successful completion of a Level II accredited University MSc module. Currently the “Hand Therapy Practice MSc Module” run by Derby University is a BAHT Level II accredited MSc Module.

For further information on this module please see the Derby University Website

For enquiries regarding BAHT Level II MSc Accredited Modules please email: 


3. MSc Non Accredited Modules

Therapists that have undertaken relevant Masters level study can apply to have their achievement recognised for conversion to two points at BAHT Level II award. BAHT Level II Points can be gained for MSC modules with 10-19 credits. MSc Modules of 20 credits or more can be used for BAHT Level III Non accredited MSc Module BAHT points (see level III section below). Please refer to the criteria within the MSc non-accredited module guideline (link below) for further information.

For enquiries regarding BAHT Level II Non MSc Accredited Modules please email:  


4. BAHT Level II Accreditation of Prior Learning (APL)

Level II points can also be gained via 'Accreditation of Prior Learning' (APL). This involves submission of a portfolio including your CV and a short and a long case study. Each successful submission gains two BAHT Level II points. Up to three different Level II APL submissions, covering different specialist fields within hand therapy can be made to complete Level II accreditation.

For enquiries regarding BAHT Level II  APL please email: 


5. Educator Points

Teaching on BAHT validated and non-validated courses also accrues Level II Educator points. Eight hours of lecturing on different topics will lead to the equivalent of two Level II points being achieved. Please refer to the criteria within the Educators Points guideline (link below) for further information.

For enquiries regarding BAHT Level II educators points please email: 


6. Associate Principal Investigator (PI) Scheme

Completion of an Associate Principal Investigator (PI) Scheme which is hand / upper limb based can be used to gain Level II points. Please refer to the criteria within the Associate PI guidelines (link below) for further information.

For enquiries regarding BAHT Level II educators points please email: 


Five points are required at Level III. There are a variety of ways that therapists can demonstrate their advanced level of learning and practise in order to achieve Level III points, as detailed below. Full details of the options available can be found in the:

Level III Summary of Routes Guidelines (1-5).

For enquiries regarding BAHT Level III please email: 

  1. Level III Project. Complete a NEW piece of work in the field of hand therapy. This can be a work-based project, literature review or small piece of research. Your work/submission is reviewed by two independent assessors. Successful completion gives five Level III BAHT points. For this route you must apply to the ESC prior to commencing your project.
  1. Level III Accreditation of Prior Learning (APL). Five Level III Points can be sought via the submission of a portfolio, including an extended CV, to give evidence of accreditation of prior learning (APL), supported by a written paper. This can take the form of a review of pertinent literature, an employment based report or a research project, which has already been completed within the past 3 years. Your work is then assessed by two independent assessors appointed by BAHT. For this route you should apply to the ESC AFTER completing your project.  
  1. Publication in the BAHT Hand Therapy Journal. If you are successful in having a project or research study that you have undertaken published in Hand Therapy then you can apply to have this recognised for conversion to five Level III BAHT points, within 12 months of publication. You must be the sole author of the article to apply (or have two articles on different topics published as co-author with one other person).
  1. Completion of a Level III BAHT accredited university MSc module. Delegates successfully completing a BAHT accredited MSc Module will automatically be awarded a Level III certificate (once the respective University notifies the ESC of eligible candidates). Current university modules accredited are:
    1. University of Essex MSc Module – Leading Change in Healthcare (previously know as Work Based Learning)  (level 7 30 credits).

  1. Completion of an equivalent BAHT non-accredited MSc module. Therapists that have undertaken relevant Masters level study can apply to have their achievement recognised for conversion to a BAHT Level III award. The module must be worth a minimum of 20 credits and be of a comparable level to accredited Level III modules. You will also be required to supply a brief reflection demonstrating how your learning and practise have been enhanced by the module. Please refer to the criteria within the MSc non-accredited module guideline (link below) for further information. 


Summary of Accredited Hand Therapist (AHT) University Routes (also see Becoming an Accredited Hand Therapist section on the BAHT website)  

Hand Therapists may also gain the required BAHT points to apply for “Accredited Hand Therapist (AHT)” via BAHT validated University Programmes. Currently the below universities provide MSc programmes that have been approved by BAHT.