Before you apply
Please be aware that:
- Preference will be given to those members who have not previously received a BAHT bursary.
- Bursaries can be applied for retrospectively, up to 3 months after the project/course has been completed.
- If successful, the maximum award for a course will be the ‘early bird’ fee.
- On completion of the project/course, submission of a written report is required.
- Please be aware that no money will be paid to you until the course is completed and the written report submitted.
Application procedure
- Download and complete the application form: click here
- If you are applying for the BSSH Instructional Course only, please complete this application form: click here
- Complete the online submission form. You will require the following documents:
A copy of the application form including your identifying data (page 1)
A copy of the application form excluding your identifying data (omitting your name, contact details and BAHT number from page 1)
Your CV
Copies of any course information/content.
You will be contacted to inform you of the result of your application. If you have been successful, your email will have a section that you need to print, sign and submit, stating that you agree with the terms and conditions of a successful application.
Within a month of completing your project/course you must submit a report.
You will receive the funds on completion of your course and submitting your report, along with reciepts of any expenses you have claimed. This funding is available on the understanding that the money will be refunded if for any reason the purpose of the bursary is not carried out.
Guidance on completing the application form
Applications must follow the procedures outlined on this website. Any queries about the application process should be forwarded to the Director of Bursaries. A sample application form can be downloaded here.
The same application form should be used for any of the educational bursaries. For ease, the term ‘project’ has been used to describe the purpose of the bursary (eg course, conference, travel etc).
Please maintain anonymity throughout, inlcuding the geographical location of your workplace.
The BAHT Executive Committee (EC) aims to consider every bursary application in an anonymous and objective manner, therefore giving a fair opportunity for all members to apply and be successful in their application.
Applications that are not anonymous, that do not provide the attachments outlined above or exceed the 500 word (+/- 10%) word count in the supporting statement will not be marked. The applicant will be informed if their application does not meet the criteria. The applicant can submit an amended application for the next deadline.
Information on marking criteria
Applications will first be assessed by the Director of Bursary Administration to determine whether the application meets the basic criteria: that all of the relevant documents have been provided correctly, and that the supporting statement is within 10% of the 500 word limit. If your application does not pass this stage then it will immediately be rejected, therefore please double check your application before you submit it.
Once beyond this initial stage, the application will be marked anonymously by members of the EC and the results will be discussed and any bursaries awarded. You will then be notified as to the results of this marking process.
Here are some example marking forms for our bursaries: