The ongoing success of the BAHT Education process, supporting provision of postgraduate education and continuing professional development for therapists treating hand and upper limb conditions depends on experienced therapists stepping forward to share their knowledge and expertise with others. As well as looking excellent on your own CV it is also very rewarding to run a successful BAHT accredited course, and can be a great way of generating extra income either for your workplace or privately.
Of course, there is a lot of work involved in setting up a new BAHT course but the Education Sub-Committee (ESC) are here to support you through the process. Many of the ESC members have run and taught on numerous BAHT courses themselves, and would be happy to use their experience to help guide you through what can seem quite a daunting task initially.
Level I Courses are the easiest to set up and run with an example programme, set reading list and exam all provided by the ESC, and there is no post-course assignment component to create or mark. All you need to do is organise the venue and teaching. If you don't want to do the teaching yourself you can organise external speakers. Download the Level I Course Guidelines for full details of the process of setting up a Level I Course and the application form to run a BAHT Level I Course to complete and return to the ESC.
Course organisers please note that the BAHT education committee continue to strive to support therapists with BAHT courses that meet practice requirements, so guidelines are reviewed and updated as needed. The BAHT education committee will endeavour to keep course providers up to date with changes and updated guidelines are available on the BAHT website (see link above to Level I Course Guidelines). Please liaise closely with the education committee with regards to your plans for future courses, to discuss available dates and commence programme planning.
If you are planning to host or run a BAHT validated course your application form needs to be submitted to the BAHT Education Level I Co-ordinator and BAHT Secretary at least 2 weeks prior to a meeting to allow time for the ESC members to distribute and consider the application – please see the BAHT Education Sub Committee dates via this link.
For enquiries regarding BAHT Level 1 please email:
Level II Courses can be on a range of topics. Previous and ongoing Level II course topics include:
- Burns
- Fractures
- Optimising Soft Tissue Repair
- Orthotics/Splinting
- Peripheral Nerve Injuries
- Radiographic Imaging of The Hand
- Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Tendon and Ligament Injuries
- The PIP Joint
- The Wrist
- Trauma
- Paediatrics
If you are interested in running a Level II course on a topic that has previously run we can provide you with sample programmes and potentially put you in touch with someone who has previously run a course that could provide further advice and support. Or, why not come up with a unique topic and develop a completely new Level II course.
Don't forget that if you teach on a BAHT validated course you can gain Level II Educator points towards your own accreditation (two for every 9 hours of teaching on different topics).
The demand for validated courses far outstrips supply. Remember for a BAHT postgraduate education system to work and in order to increase the standing of Hand Therapy as a specialty in the United Kingdom we need to see more courses running.
If any of this strikes a chord and you would like to discuss the possibilities with someone on the Education Committee, please contact us.
If you are planning to host or run a BAHT validated course your application form needs to be submitted to the BAHT Education Level II Coordinator and BAHT Secretary at least 2 weeks prior to a meeting to allow time for the ESC members to distribute and consider the application – please see the BAHT Education Sub committee education dates via this link.
For enquiries regarding BAHT Level II please email: