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About BAHT

The British Association of Hand Therapists (BAHT) is a registered UK charity and clinical interest group for anyone interested in the rehabilitation of hands. BAHT aims to support members in their professional development as hand therapists, including the progression of specialist knowledge, clinical skills and their understanding of the profession.

Established in 1984, BAHT membership is comprised of occupational therapists and physiotherapists from Britain and overseas.

BAHT produces a quarterly journal publishing recent research in the field of hand therapy, an e-bulletin which keeps members up-to-date with courses and events and BAHT also provides access to an on-line forum where therapists can discuss and debate management of different conditions.

BAHT organizes a national conference on an annual basis and promotes regional hand therapy interest groups across the UK, allowing the sharing of knowledge, ideas and research.

BAHT funds hand therapy-related research, co-ordinates and validates hand therapy-related educational courses and also offers bursaries for these courses, as well as national and international conferences.