The British Association of Hand Therapists (BAHT) is a registered UK charity and clinical interest group for anyone interested in the rehabilitation of hands. We aim to support our members in their professional development as hand therapists, including the progression of specialist knowledge, clinical skills and their understanding of the profession.
Join today by filling our application form
Types of Membership
Full membership of BAHT is open to all HCPC registered physiotherapists and occupational therapists based in the United Kingdom.
Benefits of Full membership are:
- An annual subscription to 'Hand Therapy', a peer reviewed scientific journal - please note that student members will receive an electronic rather than a hard copy of the journal.
- Discounts on BAHT accredited courses.
- BAHT annual conference, joining every 3 years with the British Society for Surgeons of the Hand.
- Bursaries to help pay for conference and courses.
- Research grants
- Access to a network of other hand therapists for advice, support and debate through a website forum.
- The opportunity to attend educational meetings around the UK at BAHT-affiliated regional groups.
- Regular news and updates from the hand therapy world through our E-Bulletin and our close links to the European and International Hand Therapy Federations.
- Affiliations with EFSHT and IFSHT through BAHT's membership status.
Associate membership is available for surgeons, students, therapy technicians and assistants.
Benefits of Membership are:
- An annual electronic subscription to 'Hand Therapy', a peer reviewed scientific journal.
- Discounts on BAHT accredited courses.
- BAHT annual conference, joining every 3 years with the British Society for Surgeons of the Hand.
- Access to a network of other hand therapists for advice, support and debate through a website forum.
- The opportunity to attend educational meetings around the UK at BAHT-affiliated regional groups.
- Regular news and updates from the hand therapy world through our E-Bulletin and our close links to the European and International Hand Therapy Federations.
- Affiliations with EFSHT and IFSHT through BAHT's membership status.
- Benefits of Membership for Students
- Quarterly peer reviewed ejournal
- Access to the ‘members only’ sections of the BAHT website which contains professional resources
- Monthly Ebulletins providing information on activity within the hand therapy community including; courses/conferences, research activity, job opportunities etc.
- Access to BAHT Forum providing opportunity to ask hand therapy related questions
- Regional Group activities, where available, providing opportunity to network and access free education opportunities
- Can apply for courses at discounted rate
For the membership year 2025-2026 you will have free access to HandyEvidence. HandyEvidence is a website providing a database of synopses on upper limb research evidence.
Cost: £30 for full time and undergraduate or pre-registration Masters students.
Conditions: Application must be made using a university email. Applicants will be asked to provide evidence of their status as a current full time undergraduate or pre-registration full time Masters student.
Please note that student membership will not include the following:
Voting rights
Bursary and Research funding applications
Support with Accredited Hand Therapist applications and process
Affiliation to the European and International Hand Therapy Federations EFSHT and IFSHT respectively
Part-time students and those undertaking apprenticeships can join as an Associate Member which enjoys the same benefits as full-time students and with the same conditions. Cost £60.
Keep up to date with the latest information regarding our Annual Conference, view the conference programme and purchase tickets. Read further