The Royal National Hospital for Rheumatic Diseases is a national centre for the management of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome and the Breast Radiotherapy Injury Rehabilitation Service. Both services are led by a highly specialised multi-disciplinary teams with Professor Candy McCabe as Clinical Lead.
We are offering free training workshops to all health professionals to develop knowledge about the management of Brachial Plexus Injury and Complex Regional Pain Syndrome in line with recommended treatment pathways. The study workshops will last approximately 1 hour for GP’s and 2 hours for AHP’s. The study workshops can be organised for a date of your choice and a venue of your choice.
Learning outcomes (all delegates)
- Attendees will have an understanding of the presentation of late effects, Brachial Plexus injury following radiotherapy for breast cancer.
- Attendees will be able to recognise the symptoms of CRPS.
- Attendees will be aware of CRPS including clinical guidelines for diagnostic and treatment pathway.
- Attendees will have an understanding of the highly specialised services available at the RNHRD, Bath to meet the needs of these complex individuals and how to access each of these services.
Learning outcomes for AHP’s (course tailored towards therapists)
- Overview of rehabilitation techniques used in CRPS/BRIRS.
Booking information
The course is open to all health professionals. For further information on the study workshop and to arrange a workshop within your area, please email Tanya Hawkins (Administrator) at Please pass on the details of the study workshop to any other health professionals that may be interested in attending or organising their own study workshop.
For more information on both services, please visit our website:
Tanya Hawkins
Breast Radiotherapy Injury Rehabilitation Service (BRIRS),
Royal National Hospital for Rheumatic Diseases,
Upper Borough Walls,
Tel: 01225 473 481